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This is Elementary: the best card game about elementary particle physics, founded by a Physics student!
Create, destroy and combine particles to annihilate your opponents.
Play with bosons, quarks, leptons and discover Einstein’s E = mc 2
Sounds difficult? You can play it within 5 minutes.
A game for everyone!
For scientists, Elementary is an interactive, scientifically accurate, and fast-paced game. Fun to play with colleagues, as well
the perfect way to share your scientific passion with friends and family.
For non-scientists, Elementary shows that physics is not as intimidating as it seems. Within a few minutes you can play with elementary particles and energy-mass conversions, without any prior knowledge of physics.
All cards and interactions are scientifically correct and you can read more about this fascinating theory on the rules page. But even if you don’t, we are sure you will learn something new.
Even if it is just pronouncing anti-electron neutrino.
Elementary: the physics card game
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