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Donation VUfund – Making education accessible with Better Prepared

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Donation VUfund


Donation VUfund – Making education accessible with Better Prepared


‘With your support, VUfund can realise projects that strengthen the identity of our university. Together, we ensure that the VU maintains its unique position as a social and academic community.’

– Jeroen Vos, VUfund


When you begin your studies, the world is at your feet. Unfortunately, this is not the case for all prospective students. Various barriers prevent some from reaching their full potential.


That’s why we ask you to contribute to Better Prepared. This programme, focusing on personal, social, and academic skills, helps vulnerable, motivated students make a ‘soft landing’ at university.


With your support, you ensure that new students can take part in peer mentoring sessions during their first semester. This helps prevent unnecessary student drop-out and gives them the tools to develop themselves to the fullest.


Read more about the projects of VUfund here (Website only in Dutch).

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